Saturday, January 7, 2012

What a great fortune! - By Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji - Part-6A

The world is very large with crores of jivas (souls). But our life is totally different from that of others. What is the reason for this? It is simply because Lord Krishna has taken us into His fold; taken us as His very own! This is the reason that we have entered a satsang.

What a great fortune!

But can we remain complacent about this? When we see someone without hands we heave a sigh of relief over our own fortune. We think,"What a great Fortune! Ah! We have been blessed with hands. We must safeguard these hands." This is true. But that's not enough. A truly intelligent person will go beyond this and perform good deeds with those hands, won't he?

Similarly, realizing our fortune in having obtained "Sat sang"(Sadguru's association) we must make the best use of it.

So what does 'making best use of satsang' mean?

Let's think about our lives for a minute.

Are we, who are in a satsang, any different from the rest, in spite of the satsang Are we continuing to nurture desire and hatred, remain lethargic and fail to conduct our lives in a dharmic (righteous) way? Instead, how should our life be? Should it not be an exemplary one?

Our life should be an enviable and wondrous one, and not an object of ridicule by others. Others should look at a Satsang person's life and remark:

What a great Fortune!

We may proudly declare that we have come to the fold of a Guru and that we have been in the satsang for long but we should not fail to observe our own progress.

What purpose does mere advancement in age serve if there is no spiritual progress and peace of mind?

Some people begin a work very enthusiastically initially, but after a while just drop it because of the arduous labor involved. A person tries to keep his newly constructed house clean and tidy. But as time passes he becomes indifferent and the house is filled with cobwebs and dust.

Anything obtained newly enjoys great value and attention. But as it grows old it ceases to hold the same degree of attention. One becomes indifferent to it.

Sadly, we do the same with our sadhana (Pracitice) too! How will we benefit if we follow our sadhana scrupulously initially—right after receiving the upadesa (initiation) from the Guru or entering a satsang or listening to/reading about the ways of sadhana from a book—but drop it after some time?

The performance of sadhana should grow in intensity with time. We should not rest until we attain the goal!

Manas (mind) is vacillating by nature. Many a time the indriyas (senses) pull us away from our goal. At such times we should not feel dejected but face and handle the situation very courageously. Whenever the mind wavers we should pray intensely.

Such prayers are always answered!

What I mean here is that when we pray for the removal of an obstacle in the way of our sadhana, it is surely taken care of. We can then find our mind getting one pointed when we sit for Nama japa (Chanting the divine names) or dhyana (Meditation). Bhakti (Devotion) or Jnana (Wisdom) is easily acquired in the mind that has become one pointed.

One desiring spiritual progress should not talk much unnecessarily

!!! Will continue !!!

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